El Verbo Aquí: A Poetic Exegesis by Luis Cruz-Villalobos

In the coming weeks, we will be presenting selections from a newly translated poetic work on each phrase in John 1:1-13 from the work, entitled “The Word Here,” by poet/philosopher/psychologist/pastor, Luis Cruz-Vilalobos.

Below is the first in the collection.


And Thank you, Luis!


In the beginning

In the original solitude of God

In the agonizing hope

of love expanded

In the full hope

of love already full within the Trinity

Thnoere and there alone

In that space and time zero

When time and space

embraced one another

In a petite dance

When there was one

In a kiss; in a mystical fusion

In that time

which was the prelude of time

In that space

which was the prelude of space


The Word was

And it could not be any other way

The Being self-manifested

It is not able not to be

And even more

Alone He is the possibility

of being for all what He is

He is being in Himself

That is the elemental gesture

Of his essence

—which afterwards He revealed fully—

He gives Himself as word

As a drop

As fruit

As music

He gives Himself

Without hoping for anything

He gives Himself to all in just this way

Simply and profoundly

[And for those of you who would like the original Spanish version]:


En ese espacio y tiempo cero

Cuando tiempo y espacio se abrazaban

En una danza diminuta Cuando eran uno

en beso y mística fusión

En ese tiempo

que era preludio del tiempo En ese espacio

que era preludio del espacio Allí

El Verbo era

Y no podía ser de otro modo

Pues el Ser automanifestado

No puede no ser

E incluso más

Sólo Él es la posibilidad

de ser para todo lo que es

Es el Ser en Sí

Que como gesto básico

de su esencia

- que después reveló plenamente -

Se da como palabra

Como gota

Como fruto

Como música

Se da

Sin esperar nada

Se da a todos así

Simple y profundamente


El Verbo Aquí: “And the Word Was With God”; “And the Word Was God”; “The Same Was In the Beginning with God”


“Anti-poetry”: Selections from Luis Cruz-Villalobos’ most recently translated work