Part II: Into the Tabernacle in the Wilderness to meet the Bridegroom (Emily Valler, audio + video)

Jesus the Bridegroom

Here is the link, again, to the entire session.

Part II is 2.03:00 - 2.34.30 (i.e. 31 minutes).

While we offered many words to introduce the last talk, we will simply leave this one to you to discern.

And again, many thanks to you, Emily!


Part III. “Let me show you the King by showing you His Kingdom”: Confronting bondage and breaking through into Kingdom deliverance & healing (Josiah Centeno, audio + video)


Part I: Love, Prophecy & Words of Knowledge, An experiential Synthesis (Jon Rosene, audio + video) with a word on the Reformed position on Spiritual Gifts in light of Christian Mysticism