III. 50 Days of Readings on the Holy Spirt: Prophets-> Mark

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Day 39

Is 9, 11

The Promise of the Messianic King 

The Spirit in the Reign of the King


Mk 1, Rev 1

(6 occurrences of this “Spirit” in this opening chapter of Mark—the most occurrences of any chapter in the Gospel)


The Spirit in the Baptism of the Son

10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened (σχιζομενους: verb schizo) and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him.

The only other time the verb schizo occurs in the Gospel is:

Mk 15

37 And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last.

38 Then the veil of the temple was torn (schizo) in two from top to bottom.

In Jesus’ Baptism, the Heavens are “torn open” with the Eternal Shekinah Glory of JHWH shining forth (Ex 40:34-38-> II Chron 7:1-4-> Is 64:1)

Which Glory had departed from the Temple (Ezek 8-11) 

Now returning to “rest upon” Jesus (Mk 1:9-11, Mt 3:13–17, Lk 3:21, 22), whose Body, being fully penetrated by the Spirit, radiates the Glory of JHWH and constitutes the New Temple for His people (Jn 1:14), where God fully meets man (Is 7:14, 9:6-> Mt 1:23). 

Through His Death, the destruction of the “Temple of His Body” (Jn 2:18-23-> Jn 13:30-32), the Temple is then recreated in His Crucified and Risen Body in “ The North, East, South and West ‘Ruach’” of the Temple (Ezek 42:16-20-> Rev 20:1-5). 

His New Creational Body, fully spiritualized and ascended to the Glory of the Father, can then be poured into the inner beings of His followers (Jn 7:37-39) as it is “breathed upon” them (Jn 20:20-22) through the Spirit (Joel 2:28-32-> Acts 2:1-4), constituting them into the “living stones” of the New Temple community (Hos 1-2-> I Pet 2:4-10).

In short, the Living Reality of the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus is communicated to us as Christ’s Body becomes fully Spiritualized in His Glorification such that it can literally be brought to operate within us through the Holy Spirit. 

Day 40

Is 32, Is 42

The Spirit and the King 

The Spirit and the Suffering Servant


Mk 6

The Spirit of the Prophets in the Ministry of Jesus from Elijah to John the Baptist


Rev 5

The exaltation of the Risen Christ, as the “Lamb Who had been slain” 

Who holds the “Seven Spirits of God” 

Day 41

Is 58, 61

What happens when the Spirit vivifies our Christian disciplines

As He did in the life of Christ


Mk 9

The Transfiguration and the Shekinah Glory

Demonic spirits, Prayer & Fasting

Humility, Asceticism & the Kingdom of God

Rev 19

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”

Day 42

Is 63:1-64:1 & 65

“Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down” (cf. Mk 1:10)

The New Heavens and New Earth 


Mk 15

The Crucifixion (The appointed Means by which Heaven comes down to earth)


Rev 22


IV. 50 Days of Readings on the Holy Spirit: Prophets into Wisdom -> John


II. 50 Days of Readings on the Holy Spirit: Histories-> Luke