Faith, Hope & Love: A Pastoral & Theological Meditation on Suffering (Kelly Kapic, audio + video)

Professor Kapic has kindly offered us the following talk:

Faith, Hope & Love: A Pastoral & Theological Meditation on Suffering

Drawn from his book, Embodied Hope, which was both the Christianity Today as well as World Book of the year winner.

He is currently working on a Templeton Foundation grant studying, “Christian Meaning-Making, Suffering and the Flourishing Life” as well as being a member of our research advisory board on the longitudinal research work we are carrying out on Transformative Suffering.


And Thank you, Professor Kapic!


Microchurches: The living organism of a developing, innovative, resilient church within the context of rapid change and the koinonia of suffering: Insights from East Asia (audio)


The Fourth Way: Experiential insight into discipleship in a closed country amidst civil war and pandemic (audio)